Admission to The Hazeley Academy
Admissions Into Year 7 Starting in September 2025
Milton Keynes Council (MKC) coordinate ALL applications for the normal Year 7 admissions round (starting in September). For more information please visit the Milton Keynes Council website:
Monday 3rd March 2025: National Offer Day. Initial offer of places by Milton Keynes City Council on behalf of the Trustees of The Hazeley Academy a member of The 5 Dimensions Trust.
5 Dimensions Trust Secondary Schools offer up to 10% of places, which equates to 24 places with a PAN of 240 on the basis of aptitude for physical education or sport from September 2026, with a focus on netball or basketball.
The assessment days involve aptitude tests in agility and hand eye coordination along with adapted game scenarios. The results will be combined to give an overall score out of 100. The minimum score to be offered a place on these grounds will be 80.
Where more children achieve this score than places available, the places will be offered to the top performers as determined by their overall score.
If scores are tied for the last place, the tiebreaker will be distance from the Academy.
The assessment day for the Year 7 September 2026 intake is to be confirmed.
For late and in year admissions, where less that the number of places available are taken, a request for assessment can be made. It is at the Academy's discretion as to whether an aptitude assessment will be offered.
To receive more details, please email
In-Year Admissions - Applying foR for a IN Year place for years 7-11
"In-year admissions" refers to admissions outside of the normal Year 7 admissions round which takes place in September each year. The Hazeley Academy is it's own admissions authority and has responsibility for the co-ordination of in-year admissions to the academy. The Hazeley Academy follows the guidance and regulations detailed in the School Admissions Code, published by the Department for Education (DfE). As required under the School Admissions Code, the school subscribes to the Local Authority's (LA) Fair Access Policy.
All in-year applications should be made direct to The Hazeley Academy. The Guidelines and In-Year Application Form are in the drop-down list at the bottom of the page. Once completed the form and supporting documents can be emailed to
Please note that initially you will receive a turn-down letter as the current year groups are full. Once you have received the turn-down, you can place your child(ren) on the waiting list.
The Hazeley Academy maintains a waiting list throughout the academic year. The waiting list will be ranked in accordance with the over-subscription criteria. Length of time on the list will not be a factor in offering a place. This means that children will move up and down the list as other children are added or removed. Being on the waiting list does not guarantee a place at the Academy. Waiting lists close at the end of the academic year.
The waiting lists are ranked via the over-subscription criteria. Length of time on the waiting list is not a factor in offering a place.
The Defined Area
A defined area is the area normally served by the school. The Hazeley Academy's defined area is Grange Farm, Medbourne, Oakhill, Oxley Park, Kingsmead and Tattenhoe Park.
Applications will be considered strictly in accordance with the school's stated admissions policy. The admissions criteria will apply as appropriate for each relevant Year group.
In Year Appeals
Parents have the right to appeal a decision not to award their child a place at The Hazeley Academy. An appeal form and parental guidelines can be obtained by emailing the Admissions Officer at the academy
All forms, together with any supporting documents, should then be returned to the Clerk of the Independent Appeals Panel c/o The Hazeley Academy, Emperor Drive, Hazeley, Milton Keynes MK8 0PT.
In-year appeals can be made at anytime after you have received a letter from the Academy stating no availability of spaces. In-year appeals will be heard within 30 school days from the date the appeal application was received by the school.
If unsuccessful at independent appeal, there is no right to a second appeal on subsequent applications within the same academic year, unless the school, in accepting the application, considers that there has been a significant and material change in circumstances that alters the application within the oversubscription criteria.
Consultation Admission Arrangements September 2026
The 2026 admission arrangements for The Hazeley Academy Year 7, In-Year (Years 7-11) and Sixth Form were adopted by the Trust Governing Body on the 12th December 2024 and are available to view via the links below.
Timetable for Admission Appeals Year 7 September 2025
Please find below the timetable for Admission Appeals for Year 7 Sepetmber 2025