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Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural

In every lesson, every day, every week and every term students are exposed to countless opportunities for SMSC development and we see this as an integral part in a student’s experiences in order to develop into a well-rounded, active citizen; ready for the globalised world they are soon to enter.At The Hazeley Academy we have a duty to promote the spiritual moral, social and cultural development of our students.  A vital part of the work we do includes helping our students to develop an appreciation of, and a respect for, their own and others’ beliefs, culture and identity.  When students feel secure about their own beliefs, culture and identity they are less likely to feel threatened by difference and less likely to mistrust or fear others.  Skills of empathy and understanding are crucial to lifelong learning and the holistic development of our students.

SMSC and the How the Academy promotes SMSC and British Values through the 3Cs of Character, Confidence and Creativity

SMSC Themes for the Week

These are the focus for our weekly Lead Lessons – often run by external guests or the Senior Leadership team.