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Behaviour and attitudes

The Hazeley Academy is a safe, calm and nurturing school, we take pride in establishing a climate which minimalises disruption and in turn leads to excellent outcomes.

Ofsted 2024 

'The school has successfully created a caring culture based on strong routines, excellent relationships, recognition of success and restorative practice. This is highly evident and means that pupils feel extremely safe.'

`Pupils’ behaviour is calm and orderly because of the school’s high expectations'

Our Behaviour Curriculum is based on two assumptions :  

  1. All students want to do what is expected of them.

  2. What is often considered poor behaviour from students is often due to a lack of high expectations, clarity, consistency and respect in adult behaviour.

We endeavour to support the minority of students who encounter difficulties in reaching our expectations in a myriad of appropriate ways, considering individual needs and make reasonable adjustments.

Mobile Phone Usage

Our Student Behaviour Code


Life Skills

Life skills programme (see attached link)

We purposely teach behaviours, delivered by the form tutor, linked to safety, wellbeing, and living in modern Britain.

Morning Registration Time 

Morning registration time programme

A full tutor programme aligned to creating highly positive relationships amongst students, where deep connections and loyalty to one another is fostered. Positive behaviours are taught through a termly focus on gratitude, integrity, kindness, manners, self-regulation and welcoming.

Lead lessons (see attached link)

Lead lessons take place on a weekly basis and link to our core Values of character, confidence, creativity, contribution or community


Interventions provide further support to teach positive behaviours, through:

  1. Mentoring with R2L learning mentors
  2. Behaviour coaches, Teaching Assistant and HLTA’s interventions on an individual, or small group basis.
  3. Anti Bullying conferences for small group and year groups.
  4. Small group  intervention such as Living Life To The Full, Sofea Project, Caldicott experience, Box Clever or Zones of Regulation work shops
  5. Whole school, or year group behaviour ‘spotlights’

Milton Keynes Behaviour Charter

The Hazeley Academy as joined with schools across Milton Keynes, we believe that every child deserves the right to a good education. For us to achieve this it is imperative that schools, parents and pupils all work together to ensure positive outcomes. All schools in Milton Keynes firmly believe in this Behaviour Charter and will collaboratively work alongside other schools, parents, and pupils to best support the young people of Milton Keynes.