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Admission to The Hazeley Academy

Admissions into Year 7 starting in September
Milton Keynes Council (MKC) coordinate ALL applications for the normal Year 7 admissions round (starting in September). For more information please visit the Milton Keynes Council website:


5 Dimensions Trust Secondary Schools offer up to 10% of places, which equates to 24 places with a PAN of 240 on the basis of aptitude for physical education or sport from September 2025, with a focus on netball or basketball.

The assessment days involve aptitude tests in agility and hand eye coordination along with adapted game scenarios. The results will be combined to give an overall score out of 100. The minimum score to be offered a place on these grounds will be 80.

Where more children achieve this score than places available, the places will be offered to the top performers as determined by their overall score.

If scores are tied for the last place, the tiebreaker will be distance from the Academy.

The assessment day for the Year 7 September 2025 intake will take place on:

8.30am -10am on Saturday 5th October 2024 at Shenley Brook End School

Parents will be informed of the test outcome by Friday 18th October 2024 in writing so that they can make an informed selection of schools by the national deadline on 31st October 2024

Those who achieved the minimum score required but were not offered a place will be held on the reserve list under criterion 6 of the over subscription criteria.

To make an application please click here – Sports Aptitude Application Form

Application Forms To be completed by midnight on the 30th September 2024

To receive more details, please email

In-Year Admissions Arrangements for Entry to The Hazeley Academy for Years 7-11

"In year admissions" refers to applicants transferring at any time after the normal age of transfer at the end of primary school. For the purpose of admissions, The Hazeley Academy follows the guidance and regulations detailed in School Admissions Code, published by the DfE. As required under the School Admissions Code, the school subscribes to the Local Authority's (LA) Fair Access Policy.

The Hazeley Academy maintains a waiting list throughout the academic year. The waiting list will be ranked in accordance with the over-subscription criteria and length of time on the list will not be a factor in offering a place. This means that children will move up and down the list as other children are or removed. Being on the waiting list does not guarantee a place at the academy. Waiting lists close at the end of the academic year.

Parents should be aware that The Hazeley Academy is a heavily oversubscribed school with more applicants than places available and that every year many parents are unsuccessful in their application for a place.

Applications will be considered strictly in accordance with the school's stated admissions policy. The admissions criteria will apply as appropriate for each relevant year group.

In-year admissions are coordinated by the school, the application can be found below.


If you named The Hazeley Academy as one of your preferences and were unsuccessful you may wish to appeal against this decision to an Independent Appeal Panel.  An appeal form and parental guidelines can be obtained by emailing the Admissions Officer at the academy   

All forms, together with any supporting documents, should then be returned to the Clerk of the Independent Appeals Panel.

Please see the link below to the timetable for Admission Appeals Year 7 September 2024.

Timetable for admission appeals

In-Year Applications For September 2024/25

Applications for an in-year admission for September 2024 can be made from 1st June.  The guidelines and in-year application form Sept 2024 are in the drop-down list at the bottom of the page. Once completed the form and supporting documents can be emailed to

Please note that initially you will receive a turn down letter as the current year groups are full. Once you have received the turn down you can place your child(ren) on the waiting lists for September 2024.

The waiting lists are ranked via the oversubscription criteria. Length of time on the waiting list is not a factor in offering a place. 

Guidance and Application Form