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Reading at Hazeley

'Words are at the heart of everything we learn and do.  We believe in the power of reading, and that fostering a love of language will create a community of articulate, empathetic, and reflective people. Ours is a word-rich place where vibrant people read vibrant things, developing language, meaning and communication in every daily interaction. Skilful literacy  transforms us into critical thinkers, expert questioners and exceptional people.'

What is Renaissance Place and the Accelerated Reader Programme?

Star Reader Programme

STAR Reading Test for all students in Y7-9 take it twice a year.

Book level, interest levels and points

Book Level - Difficulty of text (range: 0.2 – 13) 

• Interest Level - Relates to content and appropriateness

  • LY - Lower Years ages 5-8
  • MY - Middle Years ages 9-13
  • MY+ - Middle Years Plus ages 12-13 
  • UY - Upper Years ages 14+ 

• Points - Text length (points range from: 0.5 – 118)

ZPD - Zones of Proximal Development

ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) is readability range within which pupils should read to best develop their reading. 

Targets we set our students

Passing 85% of quizzes in ZPD
Working towards points target (worked out by ZDP and engaged time)
Reading for 20 mins a day

Accessing Accelerated Reader at home

Hazeley uses a reading software program called Renaissance at school. This program has a special feature called Home Connect, which you can access outside of school from any computer with an Internet Connection. Home Connect allows you to view information about your child’s progress. It also allows you to sign up to receive email notifications after your child completes an activity or assessment at school.

You can log in to Home Connect from any computer with an Internet Connection and compatible browser. For a list of compatible browsers, type the following in any browser:

To log in to Home Connect Website:

User Name: Same as students school/Teams log in. (Year they start Hazeley, first initial, surname)

 Password: abc

Building Reading Confidence: Reading Aloud.

One of the best things you can do to improve reading confidence is to read aloud to and with your child. The benefits of reading aloud to your child (yes, even when they’re teenagers!) include helping with vocabulary, tone, empathy and understanding, and the benefits of getting them to read aloud to you means they will naturally improve their fluency and reading speed, which is vital for exam success. You can read a little more about this in the following article: Reading aloud

Reading on our e-Platform

Statistics show that reading for 20 minutes a day can reduce stress levels by up to 68%, as well as exposing young people to an average of 1.8 million words a year, so we’d love your support in promoting reading at home!

Don’t forget, students at Hazeley have access to our ePlatform app which has eBooks and audiobooks, along with a number of accessibility features including dyslexia friendly backgrounds and font options, and translation tools, too. So if you’re looking for a way to promote that magical twenty minutes reading a day at home, please use the details here.

You can access our ePlatform here:  The Hazeley Academy - The Hazeley Academy (

Log in: Usual school username – school year joined, first initial, surname (eg. 22iread)

Password: Hazeley1 (or try hazeley1 if you’re having problems.)


Does your child find reading tough?

If your child finds reading difficult, or is new to the English language, they will be supported at Hazeley.

Alongside our Library lessons, students who are finding reading tricky have a suite of interventions available to them.

Some students have daily Phonics intervention, using Ruth Miskin Secondary friendly Phonics, as explained here.

Accessibility and Adaptability

In our library, we have dyslexia friendly texts, printed with dyslexia friendly font and with dyslexia friendly coloured paper. Please see here for examples and ideas. 

Furthermore, our E-Platform has accessibility features to edit background colour, font size, font style and font spacing, alongside audio prompts and translation tools.

You can access our ePlatform here: The Hazeley Academy - The Hazeley Academy (

Log in: Usual school username – school year joined, first initial, surname (eg. 22iread)
Password: Hazeley1 (or try hazeley1 if you’re having problems


If you are worried about your child’s reading progress or have any questions, please drop Miss Stapleton an email to discuss how we can help.